Your Sperm are what you Eat – Poor Diet Leads to Poor Quality

Recent studies show the correlation between the lifestyle and male fertility has made great changes in men’s life. Some well-fed sperms are most likely to achieve the fertilization while others are greatly affected by bad diet. Therefore the bad diet and the lifestyle are the important causes for the male infertility problem.

The saturated fats reduce the sperm counts but the whole grains and fruits boost them

The saturated fats are very harder to digest and thus also become the cause for dwindling sperm counts. With a recent experiment on a young boy, it is concluded that by consuming the lot of saturated fats like (cheese, cream, fatty meats, chocolate and processed foods) can lead to decrease in 38 percent of sperm concentrations and 41 percent of the sperm count as compared to the men who did not consume these saturated fats.

A Brazilian study found that the grains have positive effects on sperm counts and also the consumption of fresh fruits boost the sperm counts. Other things like obesity, drugs, alcohol, and coffee consumption plus excessive heat can reduce the sperm counts in men.

Here are top five foods with which you can have healthy sperms:

As not all the fats are meant to be equal, therefore intake of omega-3 can boost your sperm counts. It is found that the men taking omega-3 are having healthiest sperms.

The foods loaded with folic acids like Kale, spinach, collards, asparagus, avocados and beans are very much useful for the having the healthy sperm counts.

Oysters and blackcurrant and spices like mustard, sesame, and celery seeds are the best sources of zinc and selenium. Consumption of these can boost out sperm counts.

Citrus fruits, red peppers and sweet potatoes also contain folic acid, but more importantly, they are also rich in vitamin C that is necessary for the folic acid absorption. Vitamin C improves the lifespan and motility of the sperms.

Vitamin A is quite important for the maturation of the healthy sperms cells.

Moreover, you want the instant boosting of your sperm counts then you can get the ayurvedic treatment for low sperm count in India.